Nationally Accredited U.S. Institutions with a Vietnam Connection

Below is a list of thirteen (13) known nationally accredited U.S.-based institutions operating in Vietnam, many in cooperation with a local partner. For the record, national accreditation (NA) is not comparable to regional accreditation (RA), which is generally considered to be the "gold standard" of higher education accreditation in the U.S. If you're interested in learning more about the differences … Continue reading Nationally Accredited U.S. Institutions with a Vietnam Connection

“California Leads Nation in Unaccredited Schools, and Enforcement Is Lax”

Check out this excellent article by investigative reporter Jennifer Gollan about Frederick Taylor University (FTU), which I've written about on these hallowed pages and which appears on my list of US-based unaccredited schools.  FTU has been quite active in Vietnam in recent years and therefore a substantial source of revenue for this state-approved rogue provider.  Knowing … Continue reading “California Leads Nation in Unaccredited Schools, and Enforcement Is Lax”

Top Ten Most Popular Posts of 2011

People visit my blog for many and varied reasons.  Some arrive here from a search engine while others visit on a regular basis looking for up-to-date information about Vietnam and, in particular, US-Vietnam educational exchange.  Here are the top ten posts of 2011.  The first one from November 2010 about student visas and US community colleges … Continue reading Top Ten Most Popular Posts of 2011

Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery?

The Global Institute of Strategic Management (GISM), which has close ties to Akamai University, a Hawaii-based school that appears on my list of unaccredited US institutions, has a logo that bears a striking resemblance to the Great Seal of a certain US federal executive department charged with implementing that country's foreign policy.  Compare the above logo with that on the US … Continue reading Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery?

“Our Member Universities are the leaders in on line distance learning…”

I feel so empowered!  🙂  I just received an email from Martha (or whatever her/his/its name is), an Academic Counselor at College Degree Fast, the subject of a previous post, informing me that my requested degree choice Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration has been approved by the following accredited universities: Central Western University    (Texas) Southern National University  … Continue reading “Our Member Universities are the leaders in on line distance learning…”

Education UK: Vietnam Country Partner Meeting

I was invited to speak on Friday, 14 October to representatives from 60 British colleges and universities who were in Vietnam for a series of events, including the UK higher education fairs in Hanoi, HCMC and Danang.  My assigned topic was The Study Abroad Market:  A US Perspective.  During the 30 minutes or so at my disposal, … Continue reading Education UK: Vietnam Country Partner Meeting

Caveat Emptor! US Rogue Providers Discover Vietnam

If you're interested in reading a rather lengthy(6-page)  treatment of this issue in a Vietnamese context, check out this article I wrote for the August 2011 issue of wRAP-Up Newsletter.  As I've mentioned in a number of settings, most recently in this June 2011 essay entitled Letting in the Fresh Air and the Flies: The Mixed … Continue reading Caveat Emptor! US Rogue Providers Discover Vietnam

Chutzpah & Unaccredited (US) Higher Education Providers

Chutzpah (pronounced /ˈhʊtspə/) is the quality of audacity, for good or for bad, but it is generally used negatively. The word derives from the Hebrew word ḥuṣpâ (חֻצְפָּה), meaning "insolence", "audacity", and "impertinence."  This word, one of my favorites, describes with great precision a recent email exchange I had with the representative of an unaccredited California-based school.  … Continue reading Chutzpah & Unaccredited (US) Higher Education Providers

“How the U.S. Can Stop Hindering Higher-Education Exports”

This is the title of an excellent article by Mitch Leventhal calling for the creation of  a national export council for higher education in the U.S., which appeared in the 22 May 2011 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.   Dr. Leventhal is vice chancellor for global affairs at the State University of New York, … Continue reading “How the U.S. Can Stop Hindering Higher-Education Exports”

“Students warned of rogue education providers”

This excellent article by Le Quynh Anh, which included an interview with me, appeared in the 18 November issue of the English language daily Viet Nam News.    Below is the unabridged version of that interview.  As the international educator, who has five years of experiences working in Vietnam, what are the reasons do you think behind … Continue reading “Students warned of rogue education providers”