2013 in Blogging

2013 in Blogging (final)

Thanks to the annual WordPress wrap-up, I’m happy to share with you the following information about blog traffic last year.

The busiest day of the year was December 2nd.  The most popular post that day was Education Companies in Vietnam: Take a Walk on the Wild Side (Part I), including 130 Facebook shares to date.  (Don’t miss Part II, too!)

It’s interesting to note that three of the top five posts were written in 2010, 2011 and 2012.  I can explain the popularity of some posts; others are a mystery.  “Corruption Sans Borders” was about one of the hottest (and most infuriating) stories of 2013 in our industry involving corruption in the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC).  The two-part series post about “education companies” attracted some attention because of some of the issues raised, including the unethical business practices of many players and the broader issue of corruption in education, which the Vietnamese government is addressing slowly but surely.  Student visas are always a popular topic and the majority of Vietnamese undergraduates in the U.S. are enrolled in community colleges.  About the sale of “accredited overseas phds” – some are actually to looking to buy while others are simply looking for information about the topic.

Top Five Posts


Broward College in Vietnam (April 2012)

where can i buy an accredited overseas phd? (January 2011)

Of Student Visas & Community Colleges (November 2010)

Education Companies in Vietnam: Take a Walk on the Wild Side (Part I) (November 2013)

Corruption Sans Borders: U.S. Visas for Sale in Ho Chi Minh City (June 2013)

In all, there were visitors from 171 countries (!) with most coming from the U.S.  Vietnam and the UK were not far behind.  This may be the year that I unveil a Vietnamese language blog, time permitting.


2 thoughts on “2013 in Blogging

  1. Besides enrolling in community colleges young vietnamese students also acquire a skill, such as becoming a nail technician; helping to support families. From your perspective, in what ways can their trade and college degree impact your culture and economy?

  2. The majority of VN undergraduates studying in the U.S. are enrolled in a community college as a stepping stone to a Bachelor’s degree. Very few are enrolled in two-year vocational programs even though some offer rosy job prospects. In part, it’s an issue of status – a four-year degree = higher status, more prestige. There is a greater need in VN for college (i.e., vocationally-trained) graduates than there is for university graduates. This issue needs to be addressed with the use of incentives and through other means.


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